Do You Feel Like a Square Peg in a Round Hole?

I support you in looking at your possibilities in life without giving away yourself in order to fit in.

Do you have faith in Yourself?

I work with successful and courageous women who want to re-own their worth and value.

Would you like to explore your next step to inner success and confidence?

I work with Successful Women who are waiting to be found out as somehow they feel a fraud. I walk alongside them while they are re-connecting with their worth and value, so they can be comfortable within themselves.

Contact me to find out more about the work I do with women who hide behind different masks.

You have inspired me, motivated me and even given me the odd kick up the pants in the mornings with your posts. -Heena Thaker

IreneCartoonMiddleI am grounded in, and come from the Feminine Principle and I support women to realise that they still have a lot of living to do – I am sometimes known as the spiritual midwife because of this.

I will help you gain more clarity and awareness about yourself to discover success from the inside out.

I know the triumphs, pitfalls and waywardness of being alive.

I’m one of those ‘been there, done that, got the ‘t’ shirt’ kind of women. Mix that with my wry sense of Glaswegian humour and wealth of knowledge in the field of personal development and you have the perfect partner for your self discovery.

It’s time you got back to being you…



I have had the pleasure of knowing Irene Brankin as a practitioner, author, patient and also personal friend for over 15 years. Her positive attitude and ability to understand and connect with people is inspiring. Irene is a real and brave woman with impressive life experience and a highly experienced professional who successfully combines an ability to share deep insight with a wicked sense of humour . Her ambition to empower women embraces the Zeitgeist as female Babyboomers refuse to wilt. - Silke Ukena D.O.,N.D., B.A. Hons - GOsC reg Osteopath & Bowen Therapist

Irene Brankin - The Visible Woman

I am a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, cancer survivor and business owner.

I am also a Chartered Counselling Psychologist, a Mentor, an International Transpersonal Coach, Supervisor and Group Facilitator, plus Author of “The Visible Woman – More Lust, Less Must” and “I Don’t Care – The Art of Divine Indifference”.

I'd love to work with YOU!