Lots of questions as well as possibilities.

Are you looking forward to rolling down the hill clutching your Easter Egg?  Or going on the Easter Egg hunt in a garden or field?  Or simply watching any or all of this over the Easter Break?

What colour is your rainbow this weekend?  Can you allow them all into you life?  Remember it is you that has the choice and whatever colour you pick, will colour your view on the Easter Break.

It is fine to compromise if you want to be on your own and the outside world is calling.  You can do this as you’ll know your own values and so can compromise without causing harm to yourself or others.  You can also be aware that the world is calling to you to join it.

Take the invitation, bring in the colour and laugh, dance, play, have fun and be open to whatever comes.

No Twitter, Facebook or any Social Media – simply You relaxing and being in the world – Enjoy!


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