Have you been crying? Shedding a tear? Choked up? Indifferent? Fed up? Lonely? Laughing? Scared? Compassion? Bored? It might be that you are or have experienced any or all of them at what is happening right now.

They are YOUR feelings so it is up to you what you do with them, and nobody else’s business but your own!

I simply want to say that I hope you are also giving yourself compassion and love – that you are being the kind of friend to YOURSELF as you want from others. Are you?


And are you making that connection with yourself that enables you to survive and be resilient at this difficult time?

It has been found (through data from genetic studies and brain scans) something that has been known for eons, that social connectivity is a hardwired need, crucial to our ability to survive and thrive. One of the studies I vaguely remember from years ago, is that a main factor of support through having a social network enabled women to see the light at the end of the tunnel with depression.

We need people from birth – it’s an inborn need – and to make friends, be included and be part of something. Some people stay with us through life and some we may only know for a fleeting time. One of my sayings is ‘I know how wealthy I am with all the people I have or have met in my life’ … so true for me.

It’s that connection with others that can positively impact our health and wellbeing as well as strengthening our immune system. Although, I also put that down to the belly laughs we can have amongst close friends! Nothing better, I say.


I still don’t know what life is all about even if I thought I did! I realise that I don’t have any control over it, not really, except how I react to the advice given by the Government on how to stay safe in order to save the NHS. And, however much I think good thoughts, say affirmations, etc., I am not in control of anything except my attitude towards what is happening.

All I can do is remember that we are all interconnected and go from there while being the best I can be at any one time whatever that may be.

“Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way.”— Jenni Young

I put the above saying on my FB Timeline in 2015 and decided to put it out again now. It helps to remind me of something that is a Truth for me – quite simply being fallible – I forget it and need reminding!

My gratitude is that I am still alive AND that is what I say each and every day.

Keep your chin up and Go Well.

Irene Signature

If you’d like to explore and have conversations on subjects like this, join my Facebook Group. It’s called SIFITY (Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You) and it’s for those women who are on the road to facing their denial and owning ‘I Am Enough’.


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