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Here I am on one of my rants again.


I simply want to say that, in my opinion, whoever said that life was going to be easy was quite simply WRONG!! Life isn’t linear – yes, we are born, we live and we die.


And what about all the things that happen in between our arrival and our destination????


Life’s Happenings


Life’s happenings –exciting, joyful, boring, painful and despairing – will come about unexpectedly and blow you off course whether for a minute, an occasion or completely take you over.


Oh yes, you can expect life to be a certain way and, more or less, it turns out as you expected. It’s those unexpected times, whether good or bad, when it can cause you to –


Scream with pain or joy

Shout in celebration or disappointment

 Cry in delight or distress

Laugh at the craziness

Accept what is happening

 Lose Enthusiasm or feel Exhilarated

Feel Uplifted or Depressed

 Lose Heart or Blossom



You can fill in how you generally respond to these unexpected happenings.


I want to change but not if it means changing


Do you allow yourself to be honest with yourself from deep inside you?   You see, I did a blog a while back with this title (I want to change but not if it means changing) as I hear from so many that they want to change – from their whole life to something small.


Again, in my opinion, the following is what most of us are actually saying to ourselves when we have a chance to move forward or to change our way of thinking or our life.


We are really saying, ‘It’s too scary for me to make that change’.  And yet on some level, we do want to change and it’s actually the consequences we are afraid of – good or bad – in our life.


If by bringing about the change, it meant that it was going to cause too much –






you probably hope something or someone would come along so you didn’t have to make that decision or you will tell yourself that it didn’t matter and so why do it anyway!!




So I am suggesting that you can choose to be honest with yourself next time and see how it is to say – “I didn’t really want to change or step out of my comfort zone (however appealing it seemed).  I really want everything to be the same as it is what I know, and I feel safe there”.    You’ll know your own words that will make sense to you, so say those to yourself.


Catch yourself the next time it happens, when you go into denial of your true feelings, and see how it feels to be honest with yourself.


There’s not much point in lying to yourself about “I want to change but not if it means changing”.  At least you take back your choice and then the power lies within you.


When we begin to realise that the only control we have over our life is our emotional responses and reactions, then we can choose how we deal with life’s happenings and trust.


I’d love you to look at the possibility of coming on my Self-Discovery Day Workshop in January, 2017, where you can include both-and  – I want to change and I want to stay the same while being able to hold your fear and excitement about the possibility of choice.   Remember you only have one Life and this is it!!!

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