
Do you ever have one of those days when –

  • The brain just doesn’t connect with your thoughts?
  • Your body wilts?
  • You ask yourself, ‘What is the purpose of human existence?’ or something or other along those lines but hear it as, ‘Do you want a cup of tea?
  • You know there is something important you have to do and can’t remember what?
  • You just want to rush into the sea or rain naked to free yourself up and cool yourself down?
  • You go into a room, stand and then ask yourself ‘What was it I wanted in here?’
  • Your bra is the most restrictive thing going and is shouting, ‘Get it off!!
  • You feel like you have not had a shower and you have?
  • You see that the house needs dusting and hoovering and don’t do it?
  • Your mouth says things and even you don’t know what it is saying?
  • You wonder how your garden needs mowing again?
  • You’ve got a hunch that this is not going to be an easy day somehow?
  • You are asked for your opinion on something and your eyes have already glazed over?
  • Your shrugging your shoulders – at what, you don’t know?
  • You want to wake up and start again?
  • You feel like you are a little mad?

Well, that’s more or less me today so I wonder how your day is going – hopefully better than mine.

I had a wonderful 3 days away for my birthday and anniversary and thank you again for all your lovely comments.

Maybe the connection is that I am now one year older AND the rest of me is attempting to come into that reality – who knows and ‘I Don’t Care’.

Love to hear from you about your ‘One of those days’.

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