Great walk around Montsalvat - in the rain - f...Some of the time I get so caught up in the stress of life that I forget about the importance of gratitude.  I can even forget to give myself a moment or two to allow it in.

I don’t know about you and the lists in your head (or on paper) that you don’t quite manage to do but somehow get caught up with. Bear with me and you’ll see what I’m getting at here!

Today I did something about my Christmas list and actually got on and checked off what, and who, I might give as presents.  I am so pleased with myself that I stopped to read a newspaper,  have my cup of tea and simply got on with making my life less stressed.  I am grateful to myself.

So remember no matter how and where you are in life, there is always a reason to be grateful to ourselves and others.

Right now, I’d invite you to breathe into yourself and then share something or someone that you are grateful for in your life.  Really feel those feelings when you allow that to happen.  Your Soul needs to be fed too.

Someone once said that gratitude can enable fear to turn into trust and has the power to turn the ordinary into extraordinary. You know that you are both ordinary and extraordinary too.

What I do is that every night before I drop off to sleep, I acknowledge my gratitude for the people and happenings in my life.  If you don’t already do it, try it.  Let me know how you get on.

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