English: Bratislava; New Year 2005; FireWorksWe had a wonderful atmosphere here in the U.K. over our 4 day holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee with lots of activities, televised events and flag waving being done by all – young and older generations alike.  On the Sunday we went to London to watch the River Thames Pageant. It was raining, a little cold outside, with thousands of people milling about, and yet there was energy in the air.  I’m so proud to be British right now, and next month we have the Olympics with one of the disciplines being held in my backyard!

We need to have these reminders of the broad vision of how life could be and of the immense potential of human existence. These times, like the Jubilee or the Olympics, can bring about that inner connection and remind us of the bigger picture, that we’re not on our own, we are inter-connected.

And have you noticed when the world looks good and you get caught up in that passion of life, you love being alive, and the minute details of life just don’t bother you?  Yet when you feel negative, you often feel negative towards others or feel the world is against you.  As you know, it’s your perception; it’s the glasses you see through that determine your view of life.  Our thoughts really do create our reality.  If you believe you can’t move out of your comfort zone then that becomes fact and you’ll live absolutely within the bounds of the niche you’ve made for yourself. It’s so self-limiting and life simply can’t be lived to the full.

As a Life Coach, one of the creative questions I might ask someone who has boxed themselves in is “What is the song you are singing?”.  It enables me to enter my client’s life on a different level to see the glasses they are wearing.  And I want to remind you that singing is good for us all.   It releases endorphins, chemicals which have a positive effect on our moods, and it also improves our breathing and posture, boosts confidence and can bring us together just like those extra special occasions mentioned above.  Best of all singing is free, so don’t keep it under wraps.  Sing and make joyful noises whether tuneful or not!

I’d love to hear what you’re singing right now.  Please leave a comment below and let me know.

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