English: Walking the Dog Near Low Hauxley.You must know those mornings when you wake up and you feel out of sorts. It’s not really a bad mood and there’s nothing wrong health-wise. It could be miserable, wet and dull but it’s not really that either. You just don’t feel like yourself.

I’ve a couple of suggestions for you to consider:

  1. Do some exercise of any sort. You probably won’t be in the mood to go for a run! So you can simply put your shoes on and go for a short walk – could just be to the pillar box or to buy a newspaper. I usually find that once I’m out and walking, I usually want to go a bit further than I’d originally decided to go.
  2. Maybe over breakfast, you could reflect on what could possibly be causing this ‘not quite right’ feeling. You might find that actually there is something going on inside and that you have to deal with an issue you’ve been putting off.
  3. Although I’ve suggested the above, it is also good to focus on someone or something else as shifting our attention away from ourselves, enables our mind to forget about us – at least for a wee while!
  4. Let in the positive happenings in your life and be grateful for them. You could always write them down.
  5. Stay in your pyjamas and treat it as your own retreat day.
  6. Last, but not least, SMILE – remember all the benefits of that – exercising our facial muscles and we do look better when we smile.

Look forward to hearing what it is you use to lift that ‘not quite yourself’ feeling.


PS. Remember my Retreat Days in London start in January. Sign up and come with or without your pyjamas!!

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